Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Capacity building Zachariah R, Guillerm N, Berger S, Kumar AM, Satyanarayana S, Bissell K, Edginton M, Hinderaker SG, Tayler-Smith K, Van den Bergh R, Khogali M, Manzi M, Reid AJ, Ramsay A, Reeder JC, Harries AD. Research to policy and practice change: is capacity building in operational research delivering the goods?: 2014-06-09 Trop Med Int Health
Capacity building N. Guillerm, K. Tayler-Smith, S. Dar Berger, K. Bissell, A. M. V. Kumar, A. Ramsay, A. J. Reid,2 R. Zachariah, and A. D. Harries Research output after participants complete a Structured Operational Research and Training (SORT IT) course: 2015-11-12 Public Health Action
Capacity building A. Ramsay, A. D. Harries, R. Zachariah, K. Bissell, S. G. Hinderaker, M. Edginton, D. A. Enarson, S. Satyanarayana, A. M. V. Kumar, N. B. Hoa, H. Tweya, A. J. Reid, R. Van den Bergh, K. Tayler-Smith, M. Manzi, M. Khogali, W. Kizito, E. Ali, P. Delaunois, and J. C. Reeder The Structured Operational Research and Training Initiative for public health programmes: 2014-06-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Owiti PO, Kosgei RJ, Kihara BA, et al. Structured Operational Research and Training in the Public Health Sector: The Kenyan experience.: 2016-01-01 East Afr Med J
Capacity building M. K. Iribagiza, A. Manikuzwe, T. Aquino, C. Amoroso, R. Zachariah, J. van Griensven, S. Schneider, K. Finnegan, C. Cortas, E. Kamanzi, J. K. Hamon, B. L. Hedt-Gauthier Fostering interest in research: evaluation of an introductory research seminar at hospitals in rural Rwanda.: 2014-12-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Christophe Demez, Rony Zachariah, Tony Reid, and Anthony D. Harries Oh no! Power out, internet down! Two challenges in running training courses in low- and middle-income countries: 2013-06-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Ajay MV Kumar, Rony Zachariah, Srinath Satyanarayana, Anthony J Reid, Rafael Van den Bergh, Katie Tayler-Smith, Mohammed Khogali & Anthony D Harries Operational research capacity building using ‘The Union/MSF’ model: adapting as we go along: 2014-11-19 BMC Res Notes
Capacity building A. D. Harries,B. Marais, B. Kool, S. Ram, A. M. V. Kumar, S. Gounder, K. Viney, R. Brostrom,C. Roseveare, K. Bissell, A. J. Reid, R. Zachariah, and P. C. Hill Mentorship for operational research capacity building: hands-on or hands-off?: 2014-06-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building K. Bissell, K. Viney, R. Brostrom, S. Gounder, M. Khogali, K. Kishore, B. Kool,A. M. V. Kumar, M. Manzi, B. Marais, G. Marks, N. N. Linh, S. Ram,7 S. Reid, C. Roseveare, K. Tayler-Smith, R. Van den Bergh, and A. D. Harries Building operational research capacity in the Pacific: 2014-06-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Chris Bullen, Johan van Griensven Operational research in the South Pacific: 2014-06-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Zachariah R, Reid T, van den Bergh R, Kumar AMV, Tayler-Smith K, Khogali M, Hinderaker SG, Upshur R, Harries AD. Applying the ICMJE authorship criteria to operational research in low‐income countries: the need to engage programme managers and policy makers by Zachariah et al. (2013) TMIH 18, pp. 1025–1028: 2013-12-17 Trop Med Int Health
Capacity building Zachariah R, Reid T, Van den Bergh R, Dahmane A, Kosgei RJ, Hinderaker SG, Tayler-Smith K, Manzi M, Kizito W, Khoghali M, Kumar AM, Baruani B, Bishinga A, Kilale A, Nqobile M, Patten G, Sobry A, Cheti E, Nakanwagi A, Enarson DA, Edginton ME, Upshur R, Harries AD. Applying the ICMJE authorship criteria to operational research in low‐income countries: the need to engage programme managers and policy makers: 2013-05-30 Trop Med Int Health