Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Filariasis Nana-Kwadwo B, Yikpotey P, Marfoa BK, Odooma S, Mensahb EO, Asiedua O, et al. Persistent ‘hotspots’ of lymphatic filariasis microfilaraemia despite 14 years of mass drug administration in Ghana.: 2017-03-07 Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg
Ebola Kolie D, Camara BS, Delamou A, Béavogui AH, Hermans V, Edwards JK, Benedetti G, Muller CP, Griensven JV, Zachariah R. The Ebola-effect in Guinea 2014-15: Tangled trends of malaria care in children under-five.: 2018-02-28 PLoS One
Ebola Wesseh CS, Najjemba R, Edwards JK, Owiti P, Tweya H, Bhat P. Did the Ebola outbreak disrupt immunisation services? A case study from Liberia.: 2017-06-21 Public Health Action
Ebola Tremblay N, Musa E, Cooper C, Van den Bergh R, Owiti P, Baller A, et al. Infection prevention and control in health facilities in post-Ebola Liberia: don't forget the private sector!: 2017-06-21 Public Health Action
Dermatology Kelbore AG, Owiti P, Reid AJ, Bogino EA, Wondewosen L, Dessu BK. Pattern of skin diseases in children attending a dermatology clinic in a referral hospital in Wolaita Sodo, southern Ethiopia.: 2019-04-08 BMC Dermatology
Dengue Linn NN, Kyaw KWY, Shewade HD, Kyaw AMM, Tun MM, Khine SK, Linn NYY, Thi A, Lin Z. Pattern of skin diseases in children attending a dermatology clinic in a referral hospital in Wolaita Sodo, southern Ethiopia.: 2019-04-08 F1000Research
Death Audit Maryanne Utiera,corresponding author Kerri Viney, PhD, Karen Bissell, DrPH, Sharon Biribo, PGDip, Kantaake Corbett, BA, Eretii Timeon, MSc, Burentau Teriboriki, MHA, and Tebikau Tibwe, BS Ill-defined Causes of Death in the Republic of Kiribati, 2005 to 2014: 2019-03-30 Hawai’i Journal of Medicine & Public Health
Capacity building Tom Decroo 1 2, Rafael Van den Bergh 1, Ajay M V Kumar 3, Rony Zachariah 4, Erin Schillberg 1, Philip Owiti 5 6, Wilma van den Boogaard 1, Guido Benedetti 1, Safieh Shah 1, Engy Ali 1, Anthony D Harries 6 7, Anthony J Reid 1. Blended SORT-IT for operational research capacity building: the model, its successes and challenges.: 2018-05-10 Public Health Action
Capacity building Kumar AM, Zachariah R, Satyanarayana S, Reid AJ, Van den Bergh R, Tayler-Smith K, Khogali M, Harries AD. Operational research capacity building using ‘The Union/MSF’ model: adapting as we go along.: 2014-11-19 BMC Res Notes
Capacity building Bullen C, van Griensven J. Operational research in the South Pacific.: 2014-06-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Zachariah R, Reid T, van den Bergh R, Kumar AMV, Tayler-Smith K, Khogali M, Hinderaker SG, Upshur R, Harries AD. RE: Applying the ICMJE authorship criteria to operational research in low‐income countries: the need to engage programme managers and policy makers by Zachariah et al. (2013) TMIH 18, pp. 1025–1028: 2013-12-17 Trop Med Int Health
Capacity building Fatima R, Yaqoob A, Qadeer E, Hinderaker SG, Heldal E, Zachariah R, Harries AD, Kumar AM V. Building sustainable operational research capacity in Pakistan: starting with tubercul.osis and expanding to other public health problems.: 2019-01-09 Global Health Action