Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Tuberculosis Acosta CD, Rusovich V, Harries AD, Ahmedov S, van den Boom M, Dara M. A new roadmap for childhood tuberculosis: 2014-01-01 Lancet Global Health
Tuberculosis Cox H, Ford N. The scourge of tuberculosis and anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in Eastern Europe: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Acosta CD, Dadu A, Ramsay A, Dara M. Drug-resistant tuberculosis in Eastern Europe: challenges and ways forward: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Lytvynenko N, Cherenko S, Feschenko Y, Pogrebna M, Senko Y, Barbova A, et al. Management of multi- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Ukraine: how well are we doing?: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Davtyan K, Zachariah R, Davtyan H, Ramsay A, Denisiuk O, Manzi M, et al. Performance of decentralised facilities in tuberculosis case notification and treatment success in Armenia: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Kuchukhidze G, Kumar AMV, de Colombani P, Khogali M, Nanava U, Blumberg HM, et al. Risk factors associated with loss to follow-up among multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Georgia: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Dolgusev O, Obevzenco N, Padalco O, Pankrushev S, Ramsay A, Van den Bergh R, et al. Pattern of primary tuberculosis drug resistance and associated treatment outcomes in Transnistria, Moldova: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Ciobanu A, Domente L, Soltan V, Bivol S, Severin L, Plesca V, et al. Do incentives improve tuberculosis treatment outcomes in the Republic of Moldova?: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Toit K, Altraja A, Acosta CD, Viiklepp P, Kremer K, Kummik T, et al. A four-year nationwide molecular epidemiological study in Estonia: risk factors for tuberculosis transmission: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Lucenko I, Riekstina V, Perevoscikovs J, Mozgis D, Khogali M, Gadoev J, et al. Treatment outcomes among drug-susceptible tuberculosis patients in Latvia, 2006-2010: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Kuksa L, Riekstina V, Leimane V, Ozere I, Skenders G, Van den Bergh R, et al. Multi- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Latvia: trends, characteristics and treatment outcomes: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Khaliaukin A, Kumar AMV, Skrahina A, Hurevich, H., Rusovich V, Gadoev J, et al. Poor treatment outcomes among multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Gomel Region, Republic of Belarus: 2014-10-01 Public Health Action