Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Rubella Singh S, Bingwor F, Tayler-Smith K, Manzi M, Marks GB. Congenital Rubella Syndrome in Fiji, 1995–2010.: 2013-01-02 Journal of Tropical Medicine
Palliative Care Philip RR, Venables E, Manima A, Tripathy JP, Philip S. “Small small interventions, big big roles”- a qualitative study of patient, care-giver and health-care worker experiences of a palliative care programme in Kerala, India.: 2019-02-04 BMC Palliative Care
Palliative Care Phyo KH, Oo MM, Harries AD, Saw S, Aung TK, Moe J, Thuya SS, Mon YY, Min AC, Naing NN, Kyi MS, Aung ST, Oo HN. High prevalence and incidence of tuberculosis in people living with the HIV in Mandalay, Myanmar, 2011–2017.: 2019-03-01 Int. Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Others-Sickle Cell Anemia Dave K, Chinnakali P, Thekkur P, Desai S, Vora C, Desai G. Attrition from Care and Clinical Outcomes in a Cohort of Sickle Cell Disease Patients in a Tribal Area of Western India.: 2019-10-01 Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Others- Alternative Medicine Rajamani P, Shewade HD, Kundu D, Sekaran KK, Amalan SD, Pugazhendi S, Pugazhendi K. Completion Rates and Clinical Changes of Patients Seeking Non-Invasive Treatment for Low Back Pain in 13 Centres of a Sports Medicine Institute in India.: 2019-11-13 Complementary Medicine Research
OR Capacity Building Zachariah R, Dar Berger S, Thekkur P, Khogali M, Davtyan K, Kumar AM V., Satyanarayana S, Moses F, Aslanyan G, Aseffa A, Harries AD, Reeder JC. Investing in Operational Research Capacity Building for Front-Line Health Workers Strengthens Countries’ Resilience to Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic.: 2020-07-16 Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Nutrition Nsabuwera V, Hedt-Gauthier B, Khogali M, Edginton M, Hinderaker SG, Nisingizwe MP, et al. Making progress towards food security: evidence from an intervention in three rural districts of Rwanda.: 2015-08-06 Public Health Nutr
Nutrition Edwards JK, Thiongo A, Van den Bergh R, Kizito W, Kosgei RJ, Sobry A, Vandenbulcke A, Zuniga I, Reid AJ. Preventable but neglected: rickets in an informal settlement, Nairobi, Kenya.: 2014-06-01 Public Health Action
Nutrition Kumar B, Shrivastava J, Satanarayana S, Reid AJ, Ali E, Zodpey S, Agnani M. How effective is the integration of facility and community-based management of severe acute malnutrition in India?.: 2013-12-01 Public Health Action
Nutrition Varman S, Bullen C, Tayler-Smith K, Van den Bergh R, Khogali M. Primary school compliance with school canteen guidelines in Fiji and its association with student obesity.: 2013-02-08 Public Health Action
Nutrition Ali E, Zachariah R, Hinderaker SG, Satyanarayana S, Kizito W, Alders P, Shams Z, Allaouna M, Draguez B, Delchevalerie P, Enarson DA. Does the 65 cm height cut-off as age proxy exclude children eligible for nutritional assessment in Bangladesh?.: 2012-12-21 Public Health Action
Nutrition Shams Z, Zachariah R, Enarson DA, Satyanarayana S, van den Bergh R, Ali E, Alders P, Manzi M, Allaouna M, Draguez B, Delchevalerie P, Vernaeve L, Harries AD. Severe malnutrition in children presenting to health facilities in an urban slum in Bangladesh.: 2012-12-01 Public Health Action