Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Surveillance Chaudhry A, Ali A, Yaqoob A, Wali A, Fatima R, Ikram A. Contribution and Effectiveness of Event-Based Surveillance System in Disease Detection and Containment in Pakistan for Year 2017.: 2020-02-06 Pakistan Journal of Medical Research
Smoking Gupte HA, Zachariah R, Sagili KD, Thawal V, Chaudhuri L, Verma H, Dongre A, Malekar A, Rigotti NA. Integration of tobacco cessation and tuberculosis management by NGOs in urban India: a mixed-methods study.: 2018-06-21 Public Health Action
Smoking Gurung MS, Pelzom D, Dorji T, Drukpa W, Wangdi C, Chinnakali P, Goel S. Current tobacco use and its associated factors among adults in a country with comprehensive ban on tobacco: findings from the nationally representative STEPS survey, Bhutan, 2014..: 2016-08-08 Popul Health Metr
Smoking Kumar R, Goel S, Harries AD, Lal P, Singh RJ, Kumar AMV, Wilson NC. How Good Is Compliance With Smoke-Free Legislation in India? Results of 38 Subnational Surveys.: 2014-05-29 Int Health
Smoking Siddiquea B. N, Islam M. A, Bam T S, Satyanarayana S, Enarson D.A, Reid A. J, Husain Md A, Ahmed S. M, Ferdous S, Ishikawa, N. High quit rate among smokers with tuberculosis in a modified smoking cessation programme in Dhaka, Bangladesh.: 2013-09-01 Public Health Action
Smoking Swati S, Malhotra S, Harries AD, Lal P, Arora M. Correlates of tobacco quit attempts and cessation in the adult population of India: secondary analysis of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2009–10.: 2013-03-22 BMC Public Health
Smoking Lal PG, Wilson NC, Gupta PC. Attributable deaths from smoking in the last 100 years in India.: 2012-11-10 Current Science Association
Smoking Phyo Y, Kumar AMV, Kyaw KWY, Kaung KK, Nwe ML, Thida, Tharaphi. Prevalence of e-cigarette use among tobacco smokers in six states and regions of Myanmar.: 2020-01-17 Addictive Behaviors Reports
Sexual violence Guillermo Martinez Pérez* and Safieh Shah†. On MeSH: Have Female Genitalia Fallen into Oblivion?.: 2013-07-24 Int. Society for Sexual Medicine
Sexual violence Buard V, Van den Bergh R, Tayler-Smith K, Godia P, Sobry A, Kosgei RJ, Szumilin E, Harries AD, Pujades-Rodgriguez M. Characteristics, medical management and outcomes of survivors of sexual gender-based violence, Nairobi, Kenya.: 2013-06-01 Public Health Action
Sexual violence violenceBroban A, Van den Bergh R, Russell W, Benedetti G, Caluwaerts S, Owiti P, Reid A, De Plecker E. Assault and care characteristics of victims of sexual violence in eleven Médecins Sans Frontières programs in Africa. What about men and boys?.: 2020-08-04 PLOS ONE
Sexual violence/Migration MigrationBelanteri RA, Hinderaker SG, Wilkinson E, Episkopou M, Timire C, De Plecker E, Mabhala M, Takarinda KC, Van den Bergh R. Sexual violence against migrants and asylum seekers. The experience of the MSF clinic on Lesvos Island, Greece.: 2020-09-17 PLOS ONE