Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Tuberculosis Ram S, Kishore K, Batio I, Bissell K, Zachariah R, Satyanarayana S, Harries AD. Pre-treatment loss to follow-up among smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases: a 10-year audit of national data from Fiji: 2012-12-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Kanyerere HS, Banda RP, Gausi F, Salaniponi FM, Harries AD, Mpunga J, Banda HM, Munthali C, Ndindi H. Surveillance of tuberculosis in Malawian prisons: 2012-03-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Nagaraja SB, Kumar AMV, Sachdeva KS, Ramachandran R, Satyanarayana S, Bansal A, Parmar M, Chadha S, Nair S, Kumar A, Hinderaker S, Edginton M, Dewan PK. Is One Sputum Specimen as Good as Two during Follow-Up Cultures for Monitoring Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in India?: 2012-09-27 PLoS One
Tuberculosis Win AN, Edginton ME, Hinderaker SG, Minn NN, Linn AK. Tuberculosis treatment outcomes among retreatment patients registered by private practitioners in Myanmar: 2011-12-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Murimwa TC, Sandy C, Mugurungi O, Edginton ME, Reid T. What proportion of patients diagnosed with TB and started on treatment in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe, are registered?: 2012-06-20 Int Health
Tuberculosis Kosgei RJ, Ndavi PM, Ong’ech JO, Abuya JM, Siika AM, Wools-Kaloustian K, Mabeya H, Fojo T, Mwangi A, Reid T, Edginton ME, Carter EJ Symptom screen: diagnostic usefulness in detecting pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-infected pregnant women in Kenya: 2011-12-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Gawa L, Reid T, Edginton ME,Van Lettow M, Joshua M, Harries AD. Diagnostic management and outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis suspects admitted to a central hospital in Malawi: 2011-09-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Takarinda K, Harries AD, Srinath S, Mutasa-Apollo T, Sandy C, Mugurungi O. Treatment outcomes of adult patients with recurrent tuberculosis in relation to HIV status in Zimbabwe: a retrospective record review: 2012-02-13 BMC Public Health
Tuberculosis Takarinda KC, Harries AD, Srinath S, Mutasa-Apollo T, Sandy C, Mugurungi O. Treatment outcomes of new adult tuberculosis patients in relation to HIV status in Zimbabwe: 2011-12-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Sanchez M, Bartholomay P, Arakaki-Sanchez D, Enarson D, Bissell K, Barreira D, Harries AD, Kritski A. Outcomes of TB Treatment by HIV Status in National Recording Systems in Brazil, 2003–2008: 2011-12-21 PLoS One
Tuberculosis Du Preez K, Schaaf HS, Dunbar R, Swartz A, Bissell K, Enarson DA, Hesseling AC. Incomplete registration and reporting of culture-confirmed childhood tuberculosis diagnosed in hospital: 2011-09-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Afutu FK, Zachariah R, Hinderaker SG, Ntoah-Boadi H, Obeng EA, Bonsu FA, Harries AD. High initial default in patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis at a regional hospital in Accra, Ghana: 2012-08-01 Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg