Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Tuberculosis Shah SK, Kumar AMV, Dogar OF, Khna MA, Qadeer E, Tahseen S, Masood F, Chandio AK, Edginton ME. Xpert® MTB/RIF under routine conditions in diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis: a study in two hospitals in Pakistan: 2013-03-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Dendup T, Dorji T, Edginton ME, Kumar AMV, Wangchuk D, Dophu U, Jamtsho T, Rinzin C. Childhood tuberculosis in Bhutan: profile and treatment outcomes: 2013-03-04 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Tamani T, Bissell K, Tayler-Smith K, Gounder S, Linh NN, Graham SM. The trend of tuberculosis cases over 60 years in Fiji's largest treatment centre: 1950-2010: 2014-03-01 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Gounder S, Tayler-Smith K, Khogali M, Raikabula M, Harries AD. Audit of the practice of sputum smear examination for patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis in Fiji: 2013-05-16 Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg
Tuberculosis Delai MY, Gounder S, Tayler-Smith K, van den Bergh R, Harries AD. Relationship between education and training activities and tuberculosis case detection in Fiji, 2008–2011 [Short communication]: 2012-12-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Gounder S, Harries AD. Screening tuberculosis patients for diabetes mellitus in Fiji: notes from the field: 2012-12-12 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Shuko Nagai, Roland Robinson, Jacky Ranaivo Rahamefy, Sahondra Jeannine Randriambelosone, Denis Andriatahina Ranaivomananae, Turibio Razafindranaivoe, Liva Rakotobed, Adeline Ranaivod, Sven Gudmund Hinderakerf, Anthony D. Harries and Rony Zachariah. Provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling for TB in low HIV prevalence settings: is it worthwhile?: 2014-06-23 Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg
Tuberculosis Kundu D, Kumar AV, Satyanarayana S, Dewan PK, Nair SA, Khaparde K, Nayak P, van der Bergh R, Manzi M, Enarson DA, Deshpande MR, Chandraker S. Can Follow-Up Examination of Tuberculosis Patients Be Simplified? A Study in Chhattisgarh, India: 2012-12-05 PLoS One
Tuberculosis Van Soelen N, du Preez K, van Wyk SS, Mandalokas AM, Enarson DA, Reid AJ, Hesseling AC. Does an Isoniazid Prophylaxis Register Improve Tuberculosis Contact Management in South African Children?: 2013-12-10 PLoS One
Tuberculosis Zachariah R, Harries AD, S Srinath, Ram S, Viney K, Singogo E, Lal P, Mendoza-Tikona A, Sreenivas A, Aung NW, Sharath BN, Kanyerere H, van Soelen N, Kirui N, Ali E, Hinderaker SG, Bissell K, Enarson DA, Edginton ME. Language in tuberculosis services: can we change to patient-centred terminology and stop the paradigm of blaming the patients? [Perspectives]: 2012-06-01 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Tuberculosis Mendoza-Ticona A, Alarcon E, Alarcon V, Bissell K, Castillo E, Sabogal I, Mora J, Moore D, Harries AD. Effect of universal MODS access on pulmonary tuberculosis treatment outcomes in new patients in Peru: 2012-12-21 Public Health Action
Tuberculosis Viney K, Bissell K, Tabutoa K, Kienene T, Linh NN, Briand K, Harries AD. Sputum smear examination and time to diagnosis in patients with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in the Pacific: 2012-12-21 Public Health Action