Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Tuberculosis Assefa D, Melaku Z, Gadissa T, Negash A, Hinderaker SG, Harries AD. Intensified tuberculosis case finding among people living with the human immunodeficiency virus in a hospital clinic in Ethiopia: 2010-08-05 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Tuberculosis Srinath S, Sharath B, Santosha K, et al. Tuberculosis ‘retreatment others’: profile and treatment outcomes in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India: 2010-03-15 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Tuberculosis Qi W, Harries AD, Hinderaker SG. Performance of culture and drug susceptibility testing in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in northern China [Short communication]: 2010-03-20 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Tuberculosis Hoa NB, Wei C, Sokun C, Lauritsen JM, Rieder HL. Completeness and consistency in recording information in the tuberculosis case register, Cambodia, China and Viet Nam: 2010-03-30 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Tuberculosis Van Wyk SS, Hamade H, Hesseling AC, Beyers N, Enarson DA, Mandalakas AM. Recording isoniazid preventive therapy delivery to children: operational challenges [Short communication]: 2019-12-26 Int J Tuberc Lung Dis
Tuberculosis Murongazvombo AS, Dlodlo RA, Shewade HD, Robertson V, Hirao S, Pikira E, Zhanero C, Taruvinga RK, Andifasi P, Tshuma C. Where, when, and how many tuberculosis patients are lost from presumption until treatment initiation? A step by step assessment in a rural district in Zimbabwe: 2019-01-01 Int J of Infect Diseases
Tuberculosis Padingani M, Kumar A, Tripathy JP, Masuka N, Khumalo S. Does pre-diagnostic loss to follow-up among presumptive TB patients differ by type of health facility? An operational research from Hwange, Zimbabwe in 2017: 2018-11-21 Pan Afr. Med. J.
Tuberculosis Li T, Zhang H, Shewade HD, Soe KT, Wang L, Du X. Patient and health system delays before registration among migrant patients with tuberculosis who were transferred out in China: 2018-10-19 BMC Health Serv. Res.
Tuberculosis Li T, Du X, Shewade HD, Soe KT, Zhang H. What happens to migrant tuberculosis patients who are transferred out using a web-based system in China?: 2018-11-08 PLoS One
Mohr E, Hughes J, Reuter A, Duran LT, Ferlazzo G, Daniels J, Avezedo V De, Kock Y, Steele SJ, Shroufi A, Ade S, Alikhanova N, Benedetti G, Edwards J, Cox H, Furin J, Isaakidis P. Delamanid for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis: a retrospective study from South Africa: 2018-04-23 Eur Respir Journal
Tuberculosis Shah Z, Khan MA, Najmi H, Fatima R, Yaqoob A, Ghafoor A, Wali A, Khan A, Khan SH, Halepota GM. Assessment of Retreatment Tuberculosis Cases amongst All Tuberculosis Cases Notification in District Swat 2015-2017: A Retrospective Cohort Review: 2019-01-16 Journal of Tuberculosis Research
Tuberculosis Kurd SA, Wali A, Fatima R, Yaqoob A, Khan D, Lehri S. Pre-treatment loss to follow-up among patients with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Baluchistan, Pakistan, 2012-17: a retrospective cohort study [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]: 2018-12-07 F1000Research