Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
HIV/AIDS Makoni TM, Thekkur P, Takarinda KC, Xaba S, Ncube G, Zwangobani N, Samuelson J, Mangombe A, Mabaya S, Tapera T, Matambo R, Ameyan W, Mugurungi O. Linkage of voluntary medical male circumcision clients to adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) services through Smart-LyncAges project in Zimbabwe: a cohort study.: 2020-04-09 BMJ Open
Capacity building Ghebrehewet S, Harries AD, Kliner M, Smith K, Cleary P, Wilkinson E, Stewart A. Adapting the Structured Operational Research Training Initiative (SORT IT) for high-income countries.: 2019-01-21 Public Health Action
Capacity building Davtyan K, Davtyan Z, Yaghjyan G, Zachariah R. Why a special issue of JIDC on the Structured Operational Research and Training Initiative in Armenia: 2019-05-16 Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Cancer Thavarool SB, Muttath G, Nayanar S, Duraisamy K, Bhat P, Shringarpure K, Nayak P, Tripathy JP, Thaddeus A, Philip S, B S. Improved survival among oral cancer patients: findings from a retrospective study at a tertiary care cancer centre in rural Kerala, India.: 2019-01-11 World J Surg Oncol.
Cancer Biji MS, Vinayagamoorthy V, Jithin TK, Raghavan V, Selvaraj K, Duraisamy K, et al. Pain Management in Children With Cancer Using World Health Organization Guidelines at a Tertiary Cancer Center in Rural India.: 2019-08-26 Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
HIV/AIDS Gowthamghosh B, Huidrom R, Arumugam V, Pathak N, Purohit N, Shewade HD, Khanna A, Naik PR. Implementation of social protection schemes for people living with HIV in three districts of Rajasthan state, India – a mixed methods study [version 1; peer review: 1 not approved].: 2020-04-09 F1000Research
HIV/AIDS Matare T, Shewade HD, Ncube RT, Masunda K, Mukeredzi I, Takarinda KC, Dzangare J, Gonese G, Khabo BB, Choto RC, Apollo T. Anti-retroviral therapy after “Treat All” in Harare, Zimbabwe: What are the changes in uptake, time to initiation and retention? [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations].: 2020-08-20 F1000Research
HIV/AIDS Kingbo M-HKA, Isaakidis P, Lasry A, Takarinda KC, Manzi M, Pringle J, Konan FA, N’Draman J, Krou danho N, Abokon AK, Doumatey NIL. Partner Notification Approaches for Sex Partners and Children of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Index Cases in Côte d'Ivoire.: 2020-05-21 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
HIV/AIDS Moomba K, Williams A, Savory T, Lumpa M, Chilembo P, Tweya H, Harries AD, Herce M. Effects of real-time electronic data entry on HIV programme data quality in Lusaka, Zambia.: 2020-03-21 Public Health Action
HIV/AIDS Moudachirou R, Van Cutsem G, Chuy RI, Tweya H, Senkoro M, Mabhala M, Zolfo M. Retention and sustained viral suppression in HIV patients transferred to community refill centres in Kinshasa, DRC.: 2020-04-21 Public Health Action
HIV/AIDS Sande O, Burtscher D, Kathumba D, Tweya H, Phiri S, Gugsa S. Patient and nurse perspectives of a nurse-led community-based model of HIV care delivery in Malawi: a qualitative study.: 2020-05-14 BioMed Central Ltd
HIV/AIDS Win EE, Kumar AM V., Kyaw NTT, Aye NN, Hteik KM, Saw S, Oo MM, Kyaw KWY, Aung ST, Tun TL. How many sputum samples should be examined during follow-up of tuberculosis patients in Myanmar: two or one?.: 2018-12-21 Public Health Action