Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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HIV/AIDS Kyaw NT, Harries AD, Chinnakali P, Antierens A, Soe KP, Woodman M, et al. Low Incidence of Renal Dysfunction among HIV-Infected Patients on a Tenofovir-Based First Line Antiretroviral Treatment Regimen in Myanmar.: 2015-08-24 PloS One
HIV/AIDS Mahajan R, Das P, Isaakidis P, Sunyoto T, Sagili KD, Lima MA, et al. Combination Treatment for Visceral Leishmaniasis Patients Coinfected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in India.: 2015-06-30 Clin Infect Dis
HIV/AIDS Vogt F, Kalenga L, Lukela J, Salumu F, Diallo I, Nico E, Lampart E, Van den Bergh R, Shah S, Ogundahunsi O, Zachariah R, Van Griensven J. Brief Report: Decentralizing ART Supply for Stable HIV Patients to Community-Based Distribution Centers: Program Outcomes From an Urban Context in Kinshasa, DRC.: 2017-03-01 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
HIV/AIDS Ganga Devi NP, Ajay KM, Palanivel C, Sahu S, Selvaraj M, Valan A, et al. Implementation and Operational Research: High Loss to Follow-up Among Children on Pre-ART Care Under National AIDS Program in Madurai, South India.: 2015-07-01 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
HIV/AIDS Vogt F, Tayler-Smith K, Bernasconi A, Makondo E, Taziwa F, Moyo B, Havazvidi L, Satyanarayana S, Manzi M, Khogali M, Reid A. Access to CD4 Testing for Rural HIV Patients: Findings from a Cohort Study in Zimbabwe.: 2015-06-17 PloS One
HIV/AIDS Dashika A. Balak, Karen Bissell, Christine Roseveare, Sharan Ram, Rachel R. Devi, and Stephen M. Graham Absolute lymphocyte count is not a suitable alternative to CD4 count for determining initiation of antiretroviral therapy in fiji.: 2014-09-27 Journal of Tropical medicine
HIV/AIDS Mahadeo R, Gounder S, Graham SM. Changing from single-drug to fixed-dose combinations: experience from Fiji.: 2014-09-01 Public Health Action
HIV/AIDS Jobanputra K, Parker LA, Azih C, Okello V, Maphalala G, Jouquet G, Kerschberger B, Mekeidje C, Cyr J, Mafikudze A, Han W, Lujan J, Teck R, Antierens A, van Grievensen J, Reid T. Impact and programmatic implications of routine viral load monitoring in Swaziland.: 2014-09-01 J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
HIV/AIDS G. Martínez Pérez, C. Metcalf, D. Garone, R. Coulborn,A. D. Harries, B. Hedt-Gauthier, M. Murowa, G. S. Mwenelupembe, R. Van den Bergh, L. Triviño Durán. HIV testing and retention in care of infants born to HIV- infected women enrolled in 'Option B+', Thyolo, Malawi.: 2014-06-01 Public Health Action
HIV/AIDS Lucas Molfino, Ajay M. V. Kumar, Petros Isaakidis, Rafael Van den Bergh, Mohamed Khogali, Sven G. Hinderaker, Alice Magaia, Sheila Lobo, Celeste Gracia Edwards and Jan Walter. High attrition among HIV-infected patients with advanced disease treated in an intermediary referral center in Maputo, Mozambique.: 2014-04-08 Global Health Action
HIV/AIDS Siedner MJ. Moving past the 'pre-treatment' era of HIV care.: 2014-12-01 Public Health Action
HIV/AIDS Shankar D, Kumar AMV, Rewari B, Kumar S, Shastri S, Satyanarayana S, Ananthakrishnan R, Nagaraja SB, Devi M, Bhargava N, Das M, Zachariah R. Retention in pre-antiretroviral treatment care in a district of Karnataka, India: how well are we doing?.: 2014-12-01 Public Health Action