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Tuberculosis Kanakaraju M, Nagaraja SB, Satyanarayana S, Babu YR, Madhukeshwar AK, Narasimhaiah S. Chest Radiography and Xpert MTB/RIF® Testing in Persons with Presumptive Pulmonary TB: Gaps and Challenges from a District in Karnataka, India.: 2020-01-07 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Tuberculosis Shamanewadi AN, Naik PR, Thekkur P, Madhukumar S, Nirgude AS, Pavithra MB, Poojar B, Sharma V, Urs AP, Nisarga B V, Shakila N, Nagaraja SB. Enablers and Challenges in the Implementation of Active Case Findings in a Selected District of Karnataka, South India: A Qualitative Study.: 2020-01-24 Tuberculosis research and treatment
Tuberculosis Mandizvidza A, Dlodlo RA, Chinnakali P, Mugauri HD, Dube F, Gaka E, Nembaware J, Nyambi S, Masunungure B, Garauzive D. Tuberculosis Case Finding Cascade and Treatment Outcomes among Male Inmates in Two Prisons in Zimbabwe.: 2020-07-09 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Tuberculosis Manyame-Murwira B, Takarinda KC, Thekkur P, Payera B, Mutunzi H, Simbi R, Siziba N, Sibanda E, Banana C, Muleya N, Makombe E, Jongwe PL, Bhebhe R, Mangwanya D, Dzangare J, Mudzengerere FH, Timire C, Wekiya E, Sandy C. Prevalence, risk factors and treatment outcomes of isoniazid resistant TB in Bulawayo city, Zimbabwe: A cohort study.: 2020-08-31 Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Tuberculosis Madamarandawala PS, Satyanarayana S, Timire C, Yaqoob A, Madegedara D, Magana-Arachchi DN. Is International Travel an Emerging Issue on Transmission of Beijing Lineage Mycobacterium tuberculosis?.: 2020-08-28 Journal of Tropical Medicine
Tuberculosis Rohit A, Kumar A V., Thekkur P, Shastri S, Kumar RN, Nirgude A, Reddy M, Ravichandra C, Somashekar N, Balu P. Does provision of cash incentive to HIV-infected tuberculosis patients improve the treatment success in programme settings? A cohort study from South India.: 2020-08-25 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Tuberculosis Paryani RH, Gupta V, Singh P, Verma M, Sheikh S, Yadav R, Mansoor H, Kalon S, Selvaraju S, Das M, Laxmeshwar C, Ferlazzo G, Isaakidis P. Yield of Systematic Longitudinal Screening of Household Contacts of Pre-Extensively Drug Resistant (PreXDR) and Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis Patients in Mumbai, India.: 2020-05-26 Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Tuberculosis Garg T, Gupta V, Sen D, Verma M, Brouwer M, Mishra R, Bhardwaj M. Prediagnostic loss to follow-up in an active case finding tuberculosis programme: a mixed-methods study from rural Bihar, India.: 2020-04-02 BMJ Open
Tuberculosis Nzombe P, Satyanarayana S, Tweya H, Timire C, Charambira K, Ncube RT, Zishiri C, Dlodlo RA, Duri C, Chonzi P, Mbiva F, Siziba N, Sandy C. Declining Trends in Childhood TB Notifications and Profile of Notified Patients in the City of Harare, Zimbabwe, from 2009 to 2018: 2020-05-21 Journal of Tropical Medicine
Tuberculosis Kabir S, Rahman SMM, Ahmed S, Islam MS, Banu RS, Shewade HD, Thekkur P, Anwar S, Banu NA, Nasrin R, Uddin MKM, Choudhury S, Ahmed S, Paul KK, Khatun R, Chisti MJ, Banu S. Xpert Ultra Assay on Stool to Diagnose Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children .: 2020-05-18 Clinical Infectious Diseases
Tuberculosis Chavan VV, Dalal A, Nagaraja S, Thekkur P, Mansoor H, Meneguim A, Paryani R, Singh P, Kalon S, Das M, Ferlazzo G, Isaakidis P. Ambulatory management of pre- and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis patients with imipenem delivered through port-a-cath: A mixed methods study on treatment outcomes and challenges.: 2020-06-16 PLOS ONE
Tuberculosis Matambo R, Takarinda KC, Thekkur P, Sandy C, Mharakurwa S, Makoni T, Ncube R, Charambira K, Zishiri C, Ngwenya M, Nyathi S, Chiteka A, Chikaka E, Mutero-Munyati S. Treatment outcomes of multi drug resistant and rifampicin resistant Tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: A cohort analysis of patients initiated on treatment during 2010 to 2015.: 2020-04-30 PLOS ONE