Nepal National SORT IT on Antimicrobial Resistance

Nepal National SORT IT on antimicrobial resistance


Module 4: Knowledge Management: communication, advocacy and research uptake.

Timetable - Virtual mode

Dates: 8 – 14 September,2021

Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide you with training, tools and practice so you will be able to effectively communicate the findings and the implications of your research. This module will give you experience in presenting and an understanding of how to maximize the opportunities for your research to be read, understood and where appropriate influence changes in behavior, practice and or policy.


The Training Strategy:

The strategy is to give short introductory lectures followed by one-to-one mentoring to support you in developing your outputs. There will be the opportunity to practice in groups, in plenary and use videos to improve your skills. The module will be structured to:  

  • Identify stakeholders and decision makers: Assist you in finalizing who needs to know about your work and finalize the list of stakeholders with names and contact details into a stakeholder map.
  • Develop a communication plan: Use this map to develop a communication plan of action for each stakeholder.
  • Write a plain language summary: Write a one-to-two page summary of the paper in plain language (handout) that a non-expert could read and understand. This will include the implications of the findings and suggest what changes might be made to improve that situation.
  • Develop a power point presentation: Understand what makes an effective presentation and develop a short (10 minute) Technical PowerPoint presentation of the research.
  • Provide practice: Practice presenting with your mentors, colleagues and yourself in plenary and through the use of video to improve your timing, confidence and delivery style.
  • Draft an elevator pitch: Draft a short 1-2 minute oral presentation (an elevator pitch) and practice delivering this with your mentors, colleagues and yourself in plenary and through the use of video to improve your timing, confidence and delivery style.
  • Provide interactions: Practice giving feedback and advice to help other participants with their presentations.
  • Use social media: Review other resource material on the SORT IT platform about communicating with the media and how to use social media to communicate about your work.
  • Complete your communication plan of action by adding target dates and what you will record to measure the effectiveness (impact) of your communications plan of action.