Plus de 870 publications scientifiques dans 93 pays et 67% des recherches ont un impact sur les politiques et/ou les pratiques.

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Catégorie Publication Journal
Capacity building A. M. V. Kumar, S. Satyanarayana, N. Wilson, R. Zachariah, and A. D. Harries Operational research capacity building in Asia: innovations, successes and challenges of a training course: 2013-06-21 Public Health Action
Cancer J. M. Mubiligi,B. Hedt-Gauthier,T. Mpunga, N. Tapela, P. Okao, A. D. Harries, M. E. Edginton, C. Driscoll, L. Mugabo, R. Riviello, and L. N. Shulman Caring for patients with surgically resectable cancers: experience from a specialised centre in rural Rwanda: 2014-06-21 Public Health Action
Cancer S. K. Njagi, N. R. Mugo, A. J. Reid, S. Satyanarayana, K. Tayler-Smith, W. Kizito,J. Kwatampora, W. Waweru, J. Kimani, and J. S. Smith Prevalence and incidence of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia among female sex workers in Korogocho, Kenya: 2013-03-21 Public Health Action
Cancer L. Vodonaivalu and C. Bullen Trends in cervical cancer in Fiji, 2000–2010: 2013-03-21 Public Health Action
Alcohol use disorder Yusufu Kuule, Andrew E. Dobson, Anthony D. Harries, Birungi Mutahunga, Alex G. Stewart and Ewan Wilkinson Screening, Diagnosis, and Management of Patients With Alcohol Use Disorders at Bwindi Community Hospital, Uganda: 2018-05-24 Frontiers in Public Health
Ascaris Lumbricoides Nelda van Soelen, Anna M Mandalakas, H Lester Kirchner, Gerhard Walzl, Harleen M S Grewal, Marc Jacobsen & Anneke C Hesseling Effect of Ascaris Lumbricoides specific IgE on tuberculin skin test responses in children in a high-burden setting: a cross-sectional community-based study: 2012-09-11 BMC Infectious Diseases
Cancer Phinse Mappalakayil Philip, Priyakanta Nayak, Sairu Philip, Neethu Ambali Parambil, Karthickeyan Duraisamy, Satheesan Balasubramanian Population-based cancer screening through community participation: Outcome of a district wide oral cancer screening program from rural Kannur, Kerala, India: 2018-01-01 South Asian Journal of Cancer
Adolescent health Ramsay A, Harries AD, Zachariah R, Bissell K, Hinderaker SG, Edginton M, Enarson DA, Satyanarayana S, Kumar AMV, Hoa NB, Tweya H, Reid AJ, Van den Bergh R, Tayler Smith K, Manzi M, Khogali M, Kizito W, Ali E, Delaunois P, Reeder JC. A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic Under National Adolescent Health Program, Puducherry, India: 2018-09-01 The Indian Journal of Pediatrics